Winter on The Farm

The shipment of sheep pelts has just arrived at the tanner which signals the close to harvest and preserving for 2022. I have such an appreciation for the artisan trades and traditions. They understand how to bring out the complete beauty and heirloom qualities of the wool pelts. I admire that.

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Summer Surprises and Autumn Anticipations

I thought lambing was done the end of April. We had a great lambing season, with mostly twins and one set of triples. There were two ewes that didn’t lamb, but I knew I was pushing my ram with the number of ewes I had this year, so I was not completely surprised. In June Copper was starting to look quite round. Was she finding all the prime grazing spots on our place…?

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Springtime On The Farm

We are on the count down with the last two ewes to lamb. The field is full of bouncing, wooly babies. Who needs any other type of entertainment when you have lambs full of shenanigans all day long?! I feel humbled and blessed to be the shepherdess of this flock. They know my voice as I call them in the morning with a “hey girls”!

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Welcome to Our Winter Table

Why do we eat? Do we eat to live or do we live to eat? Eating, as we know, is essential for life. But the question is, what does food really do for us? Does it just fill the need for sustainability of life, or is there more to it? Sharing a meal can bring connection. Eating a salad can make us feel healthy. Have you heard of Vitamin P? Eating for pleasure…….

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