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Cultured Kefir

Drinking kefir plain or adding fresh or frozen berries with a little bit of honey makes for a nutritiously rich, refreshing drink.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 12 hours
Author porterhomesteaddesigns


  • 1 quart Whole Milk raw or pasteurized
  • 1 packet Kefir starter


  • Create a double boiler by putting the milk in a smaller pot and put the water in a larger pot. Heat the milk to 86 ℉.
  • Remove from heat and whisk in one packet of starter culture until fully dissolved.
  • Pour into sanitized 1 qt canning jar, using a funnel, and loosely place the lid on.
  • Incubate at 70 -78 ℉ for 12-48 hours or until desired consistency and flavor are reached. Refrigerate.

Re-culturing Kefir

  • Once you've made a batch of kefir from the starter, you can re-culture fresh batches by mixing ½ cup plain kefir with 3½ cups whole milk, and following steps 3-4. How many times this process can be repeated varies, but if kefir is not reaching desired consistency within 48 hours, start over again by making a batch using fresh starter.

Ways to culture kefir

  • I have used an electric heating pad set on low, placed in a small cooler to incubate kefir. This works very well.
    During the summer months when the air is warm, just setting the jar of kefir on the counter is perfect.
    If you have a yogurt maker use it to culture your kefir.